Welcome to CariBuy Belize’s “Support” department.
Here, we provide virtually 24/7 customer and technical support for our website, products, and services.
Why shop on the website when I can talk to you on Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp?
At, you never have to ask any of the following questions:
- Is this still available?
- Do you have it in blue?
- Can I get it in extra large?
- What all do you have in small?
- Where are you located?
- Do you ship?
- How much for delivery?
- Ect, ect, ect.
When you shop on, all information is readily available, and updated in real time.
By shopping at, you receive several benefits that are not given on social media.
- Lower prices on all items
- Earn points for items purchased.
- Earn points for the number of purchases made
- Birthday rewards
- and more
Earn points for:
- Referrals
- Reviews
- Facebook tagging
Your order is processed much quicker because we eliminated the question-and-answer phase.
While someone else is messaging at 2 am and awaiting a response, you can effectively search for your item, add it to your cart, and cash out.
This process allows you to choose your payment method, and set your delivery options, all without speaking to anyone, all at your most convenient time.